An archive of 225 film poster exhibitons organized during last 20 years in the Czech Republic and other countries, sorted in a chronological way. (USA,Japan,Poland,Italy,Spain,Austria)
Foyer Cinema Světozor, Prague (6. 4. 2009 - 31. 5. 2009) —
Another, already seventh sequel of an exhibition cycle „The Golden Era of Czech Film Poster“ introduces film posters by one of the most important Czech artists, Milan Grygar.
Hall of Municipal House, Prague (19. 3. 2009 - 20. 3. 2009) —
An exhibition of sixty Czechosolovakian film posters for European films took place in Municipal House in Prague within the Czech presidency of the EU council.
Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago - USA (6. 3. 2009 - 2. 4. 2009) —
Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago in co-operation with Gene Siskel Film Center holds under the auspices of the Czech Presidency of the European Union the opening celebration evening of the 12th Annual European Union Film Festival in Chicago on March 6, 2009. On this occasion an Exhibition of Original Czech Film Posters from 1960’s and 1970’s will be on display.
Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de Espaňa, Madrid (5. 2. 2009 - 31. 3. 2009) —
Hitting another spot on its Spanish tour, the travelling exhibition of 40 Czech authors has been introduced at the prestigious Madrid Film Academy. The collection of original Czechoslovak posters for Spanish films has reached Madrid after its previous stops in Segovia, Santiago de Compostela and Burgos. After Madrid, the exhibition will be displayed in the city of Cáceres in the western Spanish autonomous province of Extremadura.
The exhibition is organized in a cooperation with the Czech Center in Madrid and is part of the Czech presidency of the EU.
American Center,Tržiště 13, Malá Strana, Prague (1. 2. 2009 - 31. 3. 2009) —
The American Center in Prague introduces a collection of original film posters for American films. The posters were created in Czechoslovakia between 1960 and 1989.