Exhibition activities

An archive of 240 film poster exhibitons organized during last 20 years in the Czech Republic and other countries, sorted in a chronological way. (USA,Japan,Poland,Italy,Spain,Austria)

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Vernissage photos and posters:

The Golden Era of Czechoslowakia Film Poster - II. - Zdeněk Ziegler

Kino Světozor (1. 3. 2007 - 31. 3. 2007) —

The exhibition cycle „The Golden Era of Czechoslowakia Film Poster“ introduced poster work of Prof. Zdeněk Ziegler, one the most outstanding authors of Czech film posters. Mr Ziegler introduced the second exhibition of this cycle in person in March 2007.

The 12th year of British Film Seminar - An exhinition of Film Posters

Cinema Hvězda, Uherské Hradiště (30. 11. 2006 - 31. 12. 2006) —

A selective exhibition of forty film posters within the framework of The 12th year of British Film Seminar (British humor in the British Film) in Uherské Hradiště.

"A Different Film Poster" - Film Posters by Students of Ilustration and Graphics Studio, Academy of Arts Architecture and Design Prague

Cinemas Aero and Světozor, Prague; Cinema Centrál, Hradec Králové; Cinema Hvězda, Uherské Hradiště (1. 6. 2006 - 31. 10. 2006) —

A collection of thirty original film posters which were designed by students of Ilustration and Graphics Studio, Academy of Arts Architecture and Design Prague for Aerofilms. You can go throufh all of the posters here.

The Czechoslovak Film Poster 1960-1989

Cinema Aero, Prague (2. 1. 2006 - 31. 1. 2006) —

First of regular exhibitions of the Czechoslovak Film Poster in Prague Art House Aero presented twenty film posters designed by major Czechoslovak authors, who addressed themeselves to designing of film posters.

The Golden Era of the Czechoslovak Film Poster - I - Petr Poš

Cinema Světozor (5. 12. 2005 - 5. 1. 2006) —

First exhibition of a cycle “The Golden Era of the Czechoslovakia Film Poster – I” presented fourty film posters designed by a graphic artist, illustrator, author of animated films and exhibition designer Petr Poš. The exhibition was opened by the author.
